Friday, February 10, 2012

Big Start to 2012!

We are already in February 2012.  Wow has the start of this year been exciting here at Evantage.  We want to give everyone an update of things happening at Evantage.

Promotions and Growth!  We have expanded again, by promoting Casey Cavender into Managing Partner of our AT&T campaign in Dallas on January 2nd.  Casey has showed exceptional leadership and helped our team exceed the goals set forth by our client already in January, keep up the great work.  We also would like to congratulate Bo Bozeman on his promotion to Managing Partner in Chattanooga, TN. Bo has helped us again expand into a new state working with our DirecTV campaign.  Great job guys.

On top of that we have seen promotions in Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Charlotte to Assistant Management.  Great job, Adrian Hyde, Ali Altufaili, James Alexander, and Darrian Clark.  We are proud of you guys.  We will be able to see at least 3 more promotions in the next 4-6 weeks as well.  

It's amazing to see so much growth is such a short period of time.  We are looking forward to the rest of 2012, as we have aggressive goals to continue to expand!

Be a part of something that Matters this Spring

This year Evantage, Inc. is again helping fund-raise for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas.  
On March 24th, we are participating in Race-For-Wishes in Irving.

We have participated in this event the last 2 years, and our team has enjoyed helping them out
and meeting the Wish Kids whose lives we can touch.

Feel free to join our team for the 5K or Fun Run, or you can donate to Make-A-Wish directly
through our team page.

We hope to see you out there!